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In the future, the development center of low voltage electric apparatus will be intelligent environmental protection as the key direction

Internet, Internet of Things, global energy Internet, Industry 4.0. Smart grid, smart home… The development of various technologies will eventually realize the "ultimate association" of things in different dimensions, and realize the organization, interconnection, intelligence and thinking of all things. And through the comprehensive integration and integration of collective consciousness and collective architecture, it becomes the central nervous system that affects the efficient operation of modern human society. Low-voltage electrical appliances play a major role in this revolution, and will act as a connector for everything, connecting everything islands and everyone to a unified ecological system.

Intellectualization has always been regarded as an important step of transformation and upgrading in the low-voltage electrical appliance industry. Both relevant departments and industry organizations regard it as the future development direction of the low-voltage electrical appliance industry. With the continuous development of the production technology of low-voltage electrical appliances, the new generation of intelligent low-voltage electrical appliances, which are mainly characterized by intelligence, modularization and communication, will become the mainstream products in the market. Medium and high-end low-voltage appliances will further expand their market share.

The 2015-2020 period will be the major period for the construction of smart grid in China, with the total investment scale of smart grid expected to approach 4 trillion yuan. Smart power grid has entered an important stage of comprehensive construction, the intelligent construction of urban and rural distribution network will be fully started, smart power grid and intelligent complete sets of equipment, intelligent distribution, control system will usher in a golden development period. This will accelerate the upgrading of low-voltage electrical appliance products and the re-segmentation of low-voltage electrical appliance market.

It is reported that intellectualization of low-voltage appliances requires the application of intelligent manufacturing technology and equipment, including the establishment of automatic production lines for key components, automatic detection lines for low-voltage appliances, automatic equipment lines for low-voltage appliances, etc. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the country will optimize the power structure and strengthen the construction of smart grid, and the market demand for power equipment will increase rapidly. The relevant information shows that the State grid will invest 1.5 trillion yuan in the construction of the power grid itself and intelligence in the smart grid, that is, about 300 billion yuan a year, which will ensure the steady growth of low-voltage appliances in the "13th Five-Year" period.

With the upgrading of low-voltage electrical products, the standard system will be gradually improved. In the future, the development of low-voltage electrical products will not only be mainly manifested as product intelligence, but also emphasize the requirements of environmental protection and energy saving, and gradually develop "green" products, including the selection of product materials, the impact of manufacturing process and use process on the environment, and the effective use of energy.

Intellectualization, networking and digitalization of low-voltage appliances are the future development direction, but higher requirements are also put forward for the system integration and overall solution of low-voltage appliances. Intelligent universal circuit breaker, intelligent energy-saving AC contactor, intelligent high-score plastic-case circuit breaker, selective protection household circuit breaker, automatic transfer switch, integral intelligent control and protection appliances, key technologies of doubly-fed wind power converter, SPD, smart grid end-user equipment, etc., for the new generation of high-performance distribution system. It will get strong support from the government and the market, so that China's low-voltage industry can integrate with the international leading technology as soon as possible.

According to the industry, in line with the development trend, four kinds of technical standards need urgent research: technical standards that can cover the comprehensive performance of the latest products, including technical performance, service performance, maintenance performance; Standards that combine product communication and product performance with communication requirements to make products have better interoperability; Establish reliability and test method standards for related products to improve product reliability and quality and enhance the ability to compete with foreign products; To formulate a series of environmental conscious design standards and energy efficiency standards for low-voltage electrical products, guide and regulate the production and manufacturing of energy-saving and environmentally friendly "green electrical appliances".

Low-carbon, energy saving, material saving and environmental protection, the green revolution has had a profound impact on the world. The global ecological security problem represented by climate change has become increasingly prominent, which will lead to the fundamental change of the economic and social development mode worldwide. Advanced low-voltage electric appliance technology and energy-saving technology have become the forefront of the world's scientific and technological development and the hot field of technological competition.

For ordinary users, in addition to the quality of low-voltage appliances. Besides price concern, more and more attention is paid to energy saving and environmental protection performance of products. In addition from the law, the state also for enterprise production and industrial building users to use low-voltage electrical products environmental protection. Energy saving performance made the requirements.

Build green and energy-saving electrical appliances with core competitiveness to provide customers with more security. Smarter and greener electrical solutions are the way to go. The arrival of green revolution brings both challenges and opportunities to the manufacturers of low-voltage electrical appliance industry.


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